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Western Histological - Product Index
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A001 White Fibrous, Tendon, thick section, L.S., h-e
A003 Yellow elastic tissue, Ligamentum nuchae, T.S., h-e
A004 Yellow elastic tissue, Ligamentum nuchae, L.S., h-e
A006 Dense regular connective tissue (tendon), V.S.
A007 Dense irregular connective tissue (dermis), V.S.
A010 Adipose tissue, T.S., h-e
A011 Adipose tissue, Brown, V.S., h-e
A015 Areolar tissue, W.M.
A017 Mouse tail, T.S., h-e
A020 Cartilage, Hyaline, T.S., h-e
A021 Cartilage, Elastic, T.S., h-e
A022 Cartilage, Elastic, T.S., Verhoeff's stain
A023 Cartilage, fibrous, L.S., h-e
A024 Bone, compact, L.S.
A025 Bone, Compact, Decalcified, T.S., h-e
A026 Bone, Compact, Decalcified, T.S.,L.S., h-e
A028 Bone, Cancellous, V.S., h-e
A029 Bone, Hard Ground, T.S.
A031 Bone, Developing, Endochondral Ossification, T.S., h-e
A032 Bone, Developing, Endochondral Ossification, L.S., h-e
A034 Foetal Skull, Intramembranous Ossification, V.S.,VG stain
A035 Bone muscle junction, V.S., h-e
A039 Skin, Fish & Frog, V.S.
A040 Skin, Mammal, V.S., h-e
A051 Stratified columnar epithelium, V.S.
A052 Squamous, Simple, Lung, T.S., h-e
A053 Stratified Squamous, T.S., h-e
A054 Cuboidal, Kidney, T.S., h-e
A055 Columnar, Simple, T.S., h-e
A056 Stratified ciliated columnar epithelia, V.S., h-e
A057 Transitional, Bladder, T.S., h-e
A058 Ciliated, Trachea, T.S., h-e
A070 Muscle, Smooth, T.S./L.S., h-e
A071 Muscle, Cardiac, Intercalated Disc, L.S., PTAH Stain
A072 Muscle, Cardiac, T.S./L.S., h-e
A072a Muscle, Cardiac, V.S., FeHx
A073a Muscle, Cardiac, T.S./L.S., PTAH
A074 Muscle, Striated, tongue, T.S./L.S., h-e
A075 Muscle, Striated, T.S./L.S., h-e
A077 Smooth, striated and cardiac muscle, composite, V.S.
A078 Smooth muscle, teased, individual cells, W.M.
A079 Striated muscle, teased, individual cells W.M.
A092 Epiglottis, V.S., h-e
A094 Trachea, T.S., h-e
A098 Lung, Thin, T.S., h-e
A102 Lung, Carmine - injected, T.S., h-e
A105 Bronchiole, T.S., h-e
A120 Heart, Entire, V.S., h-e
A121 Heart, T.S., h-e
A122 Aorta, T.S., h-e
A124 Artery, T.S., h-e
A125 Artery, T.S., Verhoeff's stain
A126 Vein, T.S., Verhoeff's stain
A127 Vein, T.S., h-e
A130 Artery & Vein, T.S., h-e
A133 Artery & Vein, T.S., Verhoeff's stain
A134 Artery, Vein & Capillaries, V.S., h-e
A135 Artery, Vein & Nerve, T.S., h-e
A136 Ganglion, V.S., h-e
A140 Bone marrow, red, smear
A141 Bone marrow, white, smear
A145 Bone marrow, V.S.
A150 Blood smear, mammalian, h-e
A155 Lymph node, T.S., h-e
A156 Lymph node, Smear, Giemsa
A159 Spleen, T.S., h-e
A160 Spleen, T.S., Composite, h-e & prussian blue for iron
A171 Tooth development in situ, h-e
A172 Tongue, V.S., Mammal, h-e
A173 Tongue, T.S., Mammal,Trichrome
A176 Tongue, Monkey, V.S., h-e
A177 Tongue, Pig, V.S., h-e
A178 Tongue, Fungiform papillae, V.S., h-e
A183 Sublingual gland, T.S., h-e
A184 Submandibular gland, T.S., h-e
A185 Oesophagus, T.S.,h-e
A186 Oesophagus & Aorta, T.S., h-e
A187 Oesophagus & Trachea, T.S., h-e
A188 Oesophagus, L.S., h-e
A190 Stomach, Fundic, T.S., h-e
A191 Stomach, Pyloric, T.S., h-e
A192 Stomach, Cardiac, T.S., h-e
A193 Stomach, Rat, V.S., h-e
A194 Gastro - duodenal Junction, L.S., h-e
A195 Duodenum, T.S., Brunners Glands, h-e
A197 Jejunum, T.S., h-e
A200 Ileum, T.S., h-e
A201 Ileum, T.S., Trichrome
A202 Duodenum, Jejunum & Ileum composite, T.S., h-e
A204 Stomach, small & large intestine, composite, T.S., h-e
A205 Large intestine (Colon), T.S., h-e
A207 Large intestine T.S. showing goblet cells
A208 Rectum, T.S., h-e
A209 Recto-Anal Junction, T.S., h-e
A210 Recto-Anal Junction, L.S., h-e
A214 Liver, Mammalian, V.S., h-e/H-VG
A215 Liver, Mammalian, T.S., h-e
A217 Liver, Pig, showing collagen capsule of lobules, trichrome
A221 Gall bladder, T.S., h-e
A230 Pancreas, T.S., h-e
A231 Cystic Duct, T.S, h-e
A250 Spinal cord, T.S., Mammal, h-e
A251 Spinal cord, T.S., Mammal, Silver stain
A251a Spinal cord, T.S. - thick section to show cell processes, silver stain
A252 Spinal cord, L.S., h-e
A253 Spinal cord, Motor Nerve Cells, Smear, Nissl stain
A254 Spinal cord, Motor Nerve Cells, Smear, h-e
A255 Spinal cord in Spinal canal, T.S., h-e
A256 Ganglion, T.S., h-e
A256a Dorsal root ganglion, V.S.
A257 Peripheral Nerve, T.S., Osmium
A258 Peripheral Nerve, T.S, h-e
A259 Peripheral Nerve, L.S, h-e
A260 Peripheral Nerve, T.S./L.S.
A261 Peripheral Nerve, medullated & non-medullated, L.S.
A262 Sciatic nerve, T.S./L.S.
A265 Motor nerve endings in muscle, W.M.
A267 Myelinated nerve, teased, W.M.
A270 Cerebrum, V.S., h-e
A271 Cerebrum, Pyramidal Cells, Silver stain
A272 Cerebrum, Pyramidal Cells, Golgi-Cox
A273 Cerebellum, V.S., h-e
A274 Cerebellum, Purkinje Cells, Silver Stain
A276 Brain, T.S., LFB-CV
A277 Brain, Entire, L.S., h-e
A280 Brain, Entire, S.S., h-e
A291 Optic Nerve, T.S./L.S., h-e
A293 Eye, Retina, V.S., h-e
A294 Eye, Cornea, V.S., h-e
A295 Ear, Cochlea, L.S., h-e
A296 Ear, Pre-Cochlea, V.S., h-e
A297 Auerbach plexis, small intestine, T.S., h-e
A300 Thyroid Gland, T.S., h-e
A301 Thyroid & Parathyroid Gland, T.S., h-e
A302 Thyroid & Trachea, T.S., h-e
A305 Adrenal Gland, T.S., h-e
A308 Pituitary Gland, V.S., h-e
A310 Thymus, V.S., h-e
A319 Kidney, Mammal, V.S., h-e
A320 Kidney, Mammalian, T.S./L.S., h-e
A321 Kidney, Entire, L.S., h-e
A321a Kidney, Entire, L.S., Masson trichrome
A325 Kidney, Injected, V.S.
A330 Ureter, T.S., h-e
A331 Urinary Bladder, T.S., h-e
A332 Urinary Bladder, T.S., distended, h-e
A332a Urinary Bladder, T.S., relaxed, h-e
A333 Urethra, T.S., h-e
A334 Ovary, T.S., h-e
A337 Corpus Luteum, T.S., h-e
A338 Oviduct, T.S., h-e
A340 Uterus, T.S., h-e
A341 Placenta, T.S., h-e
A342 Vagina, T.S., h-e
A343 Cervix, T.S., h-e
A344 Umbilical cord, T.S., h-e
A345 Placenta and Uterus, composite, V.S., h-e
A351 Testis, V.S., showing spermatogenesis, FeHx
A353 Cowpers Gland, V.S., h-e
A360 Epididymus, T.S., h-e
A361 Vas Deferens, T.S., h-e
A364 Seminal Vesicle, T.S., h-e
A366 Spermatozoa, Smear, Mammalian, h-e
A409 Rat Foetus, T.S., neck region, h-e
A410 Rat Foetus, T.S., body region, h-e
A412 Rat Foetus, L.S., general structure, h-e
A413 Rat Foetus, L.S., general structure, AB-VG or trichrome
A415 Rat Foetus, head, S.S., AB/VG
A463 Golgi apparatus in pancreas, TS, osmium-gold
A464 Mitochondria in Axolotl liver, VS, FeHx
A465 Mitochondria in Rat kidney, VS, FeHx
B001 Bacilli, Smear, Gram Stain
B009 Mixed Bacteria, Smear, Silver Stain
B010 Mixed Bacteria, Smear, Gram Stain
B013 Proteus vulgaris, Gram stain
B016 Bacillus megaterium, Gram Stain
B017 Bacillus subtilis, Gram Stain
B018 Bacillus cereus, Gram Stain
B019 Bacillus anthracis, smear
B020 Actinomyces, W.M.
B025 Escherichia coli, Gram Stain
B032 Escherichia coli & Bacillus subtillus, mixed smear
B050 Salmonella sp., Gram Stain
B056 Neisseria gonorrhoeae, smear
B061 Staphylococcus aureus, Gram Stain
B062 Staphylococcus epidermidis, Gram Stain
B063 Streptococcus sp., Gram Stain
B080 Spirilli sp., Gram Stain
B100 Rhizobium sp., in Root Nodule, T.S.
B105 Streptococcus lactis, smear
B110 Lactobacillus sp., in milk smear
CS12 Coverslip, 12mm diameter
CS16 Coverslip, 16mm diameter
CS18 Coverslip, 18mm diameter
CS1818 Coverslip, 18mm x 18mm
CS20 Coverslip, 20mm diameter
CS2020 Coverslip, 20mm x 20mm
CS2222 Coverslip, 22mm x 22mm
CS2222P Coverslip, 22mm x 22mm, Premium
CS2232 Coverslip, 22mm x 32mm
CS2232P Coverslip, 22mm x 32mm, Premium
CS2240 Coverslip, 22mm x 40mm
CS2250 Coverslip, 22mm x 50mm
CS2432P Coverslip, 24mm x 32mm, Premium
CS2440P Coverslip, 24mm x 40mm, Premium
CS2450P Coverslip, 24mm x 50mm, Premium
FPSLIDE Frosted plain microscope slides, 50 per box
H512 Cartilage, Elastic, T.S., Verhoeff's stain
H513 Cartilage, Elastic, T.S., h-e
H514 Cartilage, Hyaline, T.S., h-e
H515 Cartilage, Fibrous, V.S., h-e
H517 Omentum, W.M.
H518 Adipose tissue, T.S., h-e
H519 Bone, Cancellous, Decalcified, V.S, h-e
H521 Bone, Compact, Decalcified, L.S., h-e
H522 Bone, Compact, Hard Ground, T.S. (Premium preparation)
H525 Bone, compact and cancellous, decalcified, V.S.
H527 Human finger joint, L.S.
H528 Skin, Hair, scalp ,C.S., h-e
H529 Skin, V.S. showing sweat glands
H529a Skin, V.S., showing hair follicles
H530 Skin, Hairy, V.S., h-e
H532 Skin, Thick, V.S., h-e
H533 Skin, Thin, General Structure, V.S., h-e
H534 Skin, Thin, Pigmented, V.S., h-e
H540 Skin, V.S. showing Meissner's corpuscles
H541 Skin, V.S. showing Pacinian corpuscle
H550 Squamous, Cheek cells, W.M., h-e
H560 Squamous, columnar & cuboidal epithelia, composite,V.S.
H562 Squamous, Epithelia, Cervical PAP smear
H565 Muscle, Striated, T.S./L.S., h-e
H567 Muscle, Cardiac, Intercalated Disc, L.S.,h-e
H568 Muscle, Smooth, T.S./L.S., h-e
H569 Muscle, Striated, L.S., FeHx
H569a Muscle, Striated, T.S./L.S., FeHx
H570 Muscle, Cardiac, L.S., FeHx
H572 Epiglottis, V.S., h-e
H575 Trachea, T.S.
H577 Lung, V.S., h-e
H590 Aorta, T.S., h-e
H591 Aorta, T.S., Verhoeff's Stain
H592 Artery, T.S., h-e
H594 Artery, T.S., Verhoeff's Stain
H597 Artery & Vein, T.S., h-e
H598 Vena Cava, T.S., h-e
H599 Artery & Vein, T.S., Verhoeff's stain
H602 Carotid artery, L.S., h-e
H604 Blood, Smear, Human, Giemsa
H604a Blood, Smear, Human, Wrights
H608 Trypanosoma lewisi, smear (causes Chagas disease)
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